

Procedural Metamaterials: A Unified Procedural Graph for Metamaterial Design

Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2023, Paper)

Liane Makatura ͋ , Bohan Wang ͋ , Yi-Lu Chen, Bolei Deng, Chris Wojtan, Bernd Bickel, and Wojciech Matusik ( ͋ joint first authors)

[Paper] [Video] [MIT News Feature]


Helix-Free Stripes for Knit Graph Design

SIGGRAPH 2023 (Conference Paper)

Rahul Mitra, Liane Makatura, Emily Whiting, and Edward Chien

[Paper] [Project Page]


PolyGrammar: Grammar for Digital Polymer Representation and Generation

Advanced Science (June 2022, Paper)

Minghao Guo, Wan Shou, Liane Makatura, Timothy Erps, Michael Foshey, and Wojciech Matusik



3D Printing of polymer composites: materials, processes, and applications

Matter (January 2022, Paper)

Soyeon Park, Wan Shou, Liane Makatura, Wojciech Matusik, and Kun (Kelvin) Fu



Pareto Gamuts: Exploring Optimal Designs Across Varying Contexts

SIGGRAPH 2021 (Paper)

Liane Makatura, Minghao Guo, Adriana Schulz, Justin Solomon, and Wojciech Matusik

[Project Page] [MS Thesis]


Knit Sketching: from Cut & Sew Patterns to Machine-Knit Garments

SIGGRAPH 2021 (Paper)

Alexandre Kaspar, Kui Wu, Yiyue Luo, Liane Makatura, and Wojciech Matusik

[Project Page]


Knitting Skeletons: Computer-Aided Design Tool for Shaping and Patterning of Knitted Garments

UIST 2019 (Paper)

Alexandre Kaspar, Liane Makatura, and Wojciech Matusik

[Project Page]


Neural Inverse Knitting: From Images to Manufacturing Instructions

ICML 2019 (Paper)

Alexandre Kaspar, Tae-Hyun Oh, Liane Makatura, Petr Kellnhofer, Jacqueline Aslarus, and Wojciech Matusik

[Project Page]


Environment-Scale Fabrication: Replicating Outdoor Climbing Experiences

CHI 2017 (Paper)

Emily Whiting, Nada Ouf, Liane Makatura, Christos Mousas, Zhenyu Shu, and Ladislav Kavan

[Project Page]


Other Research


Tools for Physical Graphic Design

2016-2017 | Prof. Emily Whiting, Danny Kaufman and Wilmot Li | Honors Thesis

[Bachelors Thesis]

A snapshot of our final UI, in the midst of a user's mobile creation.

A snapshot of our final UI, in the midst of a user's mobile creation.

Balancing Act: An Interactive Tool for Fabricating Calder-Style Hanging Mobiles

Spring 2016  |  Prof. Emily Whiting  |  CS89:  Computational Fabrication

Project Duration: 4 weeks

Teammates: Catherine Most, Gloria Li

This project featured several interesting challenges, as we sought a program that enabled intuitive yet unrestricted creative control for custom mobile design while also guaranteeing a fabricable result matching the specified configuration. I was primarily responsible for the proposition of our novel design paradigm. I also implemented the necessary structures, physical calculations, and interactive elements for our prototype, while contributing to the final demos and writeup for presentation.

[Demo]   [Code]   [Paper]

t-SNE visualization depicting CGI/photo separation.

t-SNE visualization depicting CGI/photo separation.

Deep Forensics: Using CNNs to Differentiate CGI from Photographic Images

Winter 2016  |  Prof. Lorenzo Torresani  |  CS89: Visual Recognition

Project Duration: 5 weeks

Teammate: Shruti Agarwal

For our final project, my partner and I explored the possibility of using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to learn a representation that would be capable of discriminating between photographs and computer generated images directly from the image pixels themselves. We created a custom dataset for this purpose, which we were encouraged to polish for public release into the research community. After obtaining results which averaged 70% accuracy over several strategically devised (and intentionally challenging) conditions, we confirmed our belief that CNNs could be a powerful and effective tool for this purpose. We are actively refining our experiments and approaches with the hope of obtaining publishable results.
